
Wrigley's is considering making a gum containing Viagra
(ref: http://www.cnn.com/2003/HEALTH/06/17/otsc.gupta/index.html ).
In this regard I would like to point out a few things:
* Remember to take the gum out of your mouth before you have sex
* One piece at a time people-- you don't want to wind up in the E.R.
* For God's sake keep it away from your teenagers!
* When you are done with it: Spit it out, don't swallow it....

Possible Names for this gum:
* Long John's
* BigSquirt (has a liquid center)
* Rocket (to take be sold near Orbit gum)
* AttaBoy
* Big Red (change the current gum)
* Gum to Papa

Possible Flavors?:
* Italian Sausage
* Chocolate
* Double Chocolate
* Mexican Chimichanga
* CondomMint