
Scam and Counter-Scam

An article in the Boston Herald claims that a man scammed his co-workers and students out of thousands of dollars, and then when the cops caught him and asked him for the money back -- he said he gave it away to some guy in Nigeria he learned about via Email.

The cops said the 'scammer got scammed', but it's hard to con a con. I think this guy still has the money. Read it and see what you think!


Titan-1 Missle Site for Sale on eBay

A California real estate man says he's got a great deal for buyers in Eastern Washington.
Bari Hotchkiss bought a Titan 1 missile site some five years ago. Now he's got it on the market for $3.95 million.

It's in Batum, a small wheat farming community between Moses Lake and Ritzville.
You just don't expect to find anything monumental in Adams County. But Hotchkiss says this site "is sort of like the Washington monument or the pyramids of Egypt."

Check Out The eBay listing


They're Starting Younger and Younger...

From the Washington Times:

Kindergartner garnish turns out to be pot
"MIAMI, March 23 (UPI) -- The garnish a Florida kindergartener sprinkled on his friend's lasagna Monday wasn't oregano, police said, but marijuana.
Staff members at Gratigny Elementary School in north Miami-Dade County said the youngster took the pot from a small plastic bag, The Miami Herald reported Tuesday. When they saw what he was doing he put in on the floor and tried to hide it with his feet. Investigators are questioning the boy's parents. They are also trying to determine whether an older friend asked the boy to keep the bag for him. "

[Wow! They get lasagna in Kindergarten now! I used to get hockey pucks on a bun!]

Four-Year-Old Brings Crack Cocaine To School
"INDIANAPOLIS -- A 4-year-old boy brought crack cocaine worth up to $10,000 to his preschool class Monday, authorities said.
Police said the boy took rocks of crack cocaine out of his backpack and showed them to other children in his Head Start class, saying the drugs were flour. Teachers realized it was cocaine and called authorities.
Police searched the boy's home, but did not find the parents, Sgt. Russell Burns said.
The boy and his sister were placed in protective custody and arrest warrants were issued for the parents, Burns said. No names were released. "

[Did anyone question the teachers and wonder how they knew it was cocaine so quickly?!]


5 Trick Questions Answered (Brain Dead)

On Feb 17th I posted 5 riddles and promised to post the answers the next day.

Here they are:
1) 13
2) One is a nickel and the other one is a half dollar
3) Because there is one more dollar
4) Incorrectly
5) No, because he would be dead

Revenge: You Can Find Anything on the Net

Just to prove that the Internet has improved all of our lives in so many ways (tongue in cheek here folks) - here are some tidbits from a Revenge site I found on the net.

* Crazy glue the gas cap down and watch them get stranded!
* Sent a verbally abusive boss a money ordered prepaid subscription to explicit gay publications sent to work. He cancels it but not after the girls in the office get the mail and tell EVERYBODY and he gets put on every freak mailing list. He will get weird catalogs and mailings for YEARS.
* Dip a rag in transmission fluid and write your revenge on the side of their car for a permanent reminder of their misdeeds.
* Have a woman call the wife of your revengee and very distraught tell her that the next time her husband comes over to sleep with her he could at least call her back once in a while then hang up.
* Place an informitive gay ad in a local free paper with your revengees info.
* Call their work claiming you are a detective checking on the status of a person working there that is on the sex offenders list and ask if their job involves working with children in ANY way.