
They're Starting Younger and Younger...

From the Washington Times:

Kindergartner garnish turns out to be pot
"MIAMI, March 23 (UPI) -- The garnish a Florida kindergartener sprinkled on his friend's lasagna Monday wasn't oregano, police said, but marijuana.
Staff members at Gratigny Elementary School in north Miami-Dade County said the youngster took the pot from a small plastic bag, The Miami Herald reported Tuesday. When they saw what he was doing he put in on the floor and tried to hide it with his feet. Investigators are questioning the boy's parents. They are also trying to determine whether an older friend asked the boy to keep the bag for him. "

[Wow! They get lasagna in Kindergarten now! I used to get hockey pucks on a bun!]

Four-Year-Old Brings Crack Cocaine To School
"INDIANAPOLIS -- A 4-year-old boy brought crack cocaine worth up to $10,000 to his preschool class Monday, authorities said.
Police said the boy took rocks of crack cocaine out of his backpack and showed them to other children in his Head Start class, saying the drugs were flour. Teachers realized it was cocaine and called authorities.
Police searched the boy's home, but did not find the parents, Sgt. Russell Burns said.
The boy and his sister were placed in protective custody and arrest warrants were issued for the parents, Burns said. No names were released. "

[Did anyone question the teachers and wonder how they knew it was cocaine so quickly?!]