
The Rain in Pain...

I am sitting in my car in the parking lot. It is pouring rain out and I have to get about 100 meters to the front door of the building where I work. I look behind the passenger seat of my car, where I usually throw my umbrella -- it is not there. I'm pretty sure that I left it on my desk yesterday when it was only threatening to rain. Figures. Now it is going to rain for 2 days. Well, at least I will have my umbrella going back to the car, right?

So what is worse then forgetting your umbrella when it rains? Combining it with a senior moment. I exit the vehicle and attempt to run between the rain drops, which are the size of a Buick, and of course reach the office soaking wet. Just before I go to open the door, I remember where the umbrella is. I grabbed it yesterday on my way out the door and threw it behind the DRIVER seat in my car.