
A Product that Could Change Womens' and Mens' Lives

Here is a device that could change the lives of women (and indirectly men) everywhere!

A Device that allows women to pee standing up!

Now, if women can pee standing up, they can put urinals in the ladies room and there would be no more lines, and indirectly, us guys wouldn't have to wait so long for the women to get back from the restroom!

Also, if your both coming home from that late night drinking session, no need to find a "clean" place to sit for your woman - she can now just pee against the nearest wall like you; think of the togetherness this will instill in your relationship.

There is some concern here though guys. We are losing the one thing we had over women -- they had the giving birth thing -- we had the pee standing up thing; that was the deal. Now we won't even be able to claim an assured victory in the "write your name in the snow" contests anymore (although we do have more practice)...

I am concerned that now since women can have babies using frozen sperm, buy vibrators, and earn plenty of dough on their own, that we men are on the way out. Essentially, all that is needed is for someone to invent a machine that kills household spiders upon hearing a scream, and we will be officially useless. Smoke 'em while you got 'em boys!

We can at least find some comfort that we carry "ours" wherever we go, and the women could easily leave theirs at home, or in their other purse. Although I dread to hear one woman ask another: "Blanch, can I borrow your p-mate, I left mine at home..."