
Bad Timing

So a few weeks ago it was still dead of winter and there was an arctic blast or two and it was ungodly cold for a long time. During the beginning of this unusually cold winter, I lost my scarf, just when I needed it most.  So - no big deal, right? I'll just go to the store and buy another one for a few dollars.


Stores no longer carried winter clothes. It was February and they were well into spring season. If I wanted some shorts, or flip flops, or T-shirts with stupid sayings on them - they were fully stocked.
Scarves, gloves, hats...not so much.

I checked 4 stores and eventually found one that had one brand of scarf left in the remainder area; it was $30. Serioulsy Kohl's? Thirty dollars for 24" of acrylic? No thanks.

So I was cold for the rest of the winter. Thank God it is now spring.

I believe we should all petition our congressman/woman to make it illegal to not sell clothing appropriate for the current climate - especially if you are a clothing store...

And while we're at it, I think McDonalds should sell breakfast at anytime...I mean who are they to tell me when I can get up and eat breakfast?