
End of an Era

It's official - Mattel reported that Ken & Barbie are splitsville. Mattel says that the 2 will remain "friends", but need to see other people. What does this say about our society? What will it teach today's young girls? You could say that this is a consquence of Ken's lack of committment, or maybe it points toward the whole disillusionment with the institution of marriage in this country.

Who are these other "people" that they are going to see anyway? Barbie will be dating Buzz Lightyear, and Ken will be dating...Woody? In light of the recent 100 same sex marriages in SF, and what is happening in VT and Mass. maybe this is Mattel's way of getting ready for Gay Porn Ken, or Lesbo Biker Barbie.

I think they should update Ken & Barbie for today's young women to prepare them for reality. The changes would be as follows:

* Short bob haircut (with highlights)
* Wrinkles around eyes
* Stretch marks
* Ratty sweatshirt with cheesy pants
* One pair of pumps, one pair of high heels, 6 pairs of sneakers, 1 pair of work boots
* Closet full of clothes that don't fit
* Two pill bottles: Advil, and Valium
* Accessories: 3 children; mop; apron; diaper bag; minivan; coupon for liposuction treatment; 6 credit cards; lip hair treatment; cell phone; soccer mom bumper stickers; estrogen pills

* Pot-belly
* T-Shirt says "I'm with Stupid"
* Fixed in the sitting position with beer attached to left hand
* Bald spot on top of head
* Accessories include: Pile of bills including many credit cards with Barbie's purchases on them; pickup (full bed); shotgun and rack; backscratcher; toe nail clipper; simulated snack foods; gameboy