
Cool Rock Band Names You Never Heard of....(part 1)

These are my favorite band names for each letter of the alphabet (A-M today, the rest tomorrow). If there was a tie, I listed both. These are all real bands -- you may have heard of some -- but you can get the full list at http://sam.hochberg.com/bandname.html:

Afghanistan Banana Stand
Betty's Not a Vitamin / Baloney Ponys
Carter the Unstoppable Sexmachine
Dick Duck and the Dorks
Exploding Head Trick / Electric Vomit
Frogs Don't Cry / Full Throttle Aristotle
Granny's Hole
Hamster Sandwich / Henry Kissinger's Tits
Immaculate Infection
Jehovah's Waitresses
Kamakazi Sex Pilots
Lee Press-On and the Nails
Maggot Sandwich