Seattle is the Fittest.
Houston is the Fattest (Philly was a close second - it's all those cheesesteaks)
And Just so You Have a Good Line for when you visit, here are some punch lines to Yo Mama So Fat...
* I had to take a train and two buses just to get on her good side.
* When she hauls ass she has to make two trips.
* Instead of Levi's 501 jeans she wears Levi's 1002s.
* When the doctor diagnosed her with a flesh eating disease he gave her 13 years to live.
* Her ass has its own congressman.
* Her belt size is "Equator"
* Her cereal bowl came with a lifeguard.
* When God said "Let there be light" he told her to move her fat ass out of the way.
* When she goes to the zoo the elephants throw HER peanuts.
* Her high school graduation picture was an aerial photograph.
* Her driver's license says "Picture continued on other side."
* She has to iron her pants on the driveway.
* Her shadow weighs 100 pounds.