Here are some more hints:
- He signed the Declaration of Independence
- He invented the bi-focals
- Retired wealthy at age 42
It's Ben Franklin! Today is he is 300!
I have been studying his life recently and the more I learn about him, the more impressed I am. We could use a couple of Ben Franklin's around today - especially in Washington D.C.!!
My list of Top Minds in History (not currently alive) are:
* Leonardo DaVinci
* Ben Franklin
* Thomas Edison
* Abraham Lincoln
* Albert Einstein
* Nikola Tesla
* Marie Curie
* Isaac Newton
Of course, not everything he did was a winner: You can read about some of his Quirkiest Ideas here.
Also, he was actually born on Jan 6th, but we celebrate his birthday on 17th because time skipped ahead 11 days in 1757!! Read about that here at LiveScience.