
Amish and Aliens

Now some of you may feel it is OK to make fun of the Amish on the Internet, because you're probably saying to yourself: "How will they know...no electricity, no computer - no computer, no web browser." Well it has come to my attention that the Amish are online, and they are able to do so using only 18th century components. The details are documented here and you can even purchase your own Amish laptop.

Also, if you are tired of eating the same old thing, or if you have tried all the chic new international restaurants in town, try cooking your own food using the Cookbook of Alien Recipes. Now granted, if you are a vegetarian this may pose a problem. This online guide discusses how to catch the alien, how to skin it, and recipes such as Alien Ragout and Mixed Alien Gumbo. Supposedly there are differences between the Blue and Grey types.